2012年6月22日 星期五


第一次修改HID 描述元。 終於有點眉目了 參這裡的說明。 http://www.microchip.com/forums/m558929-print.aspx

      0x06, 0x00, 0xFF,       // Usage Page = 0xFF00 (Vendor Defined Page 1)
      0x09, 0x01,             // Usage (Vendor Usage 1)
      0xA1, 0x01,             // Collection (Application)
      0x19, 0x01,             //      Usage Minimum
      0x29, 0x40,             //      Usage Maximum   //64 input usages total (0x01 to 0x40)
      0x15, 0x01,             //      Logical Minimum (data bytes in the report may have minimum value = 0x00)
      0x26, 0xFF, 0x00,       //      Logical Maximum (data bytes in the report may have maximum value = 0x00FF = unsigned 255)
      0x75, 0x08,             //      Report Size: 8-bit field size
      0x95, 0x40,             //      Report Count: Make sixty-four 8-bit fields (the next time the parser hits an "Input", "Output", or "Feature" item)
      0x81, 0x00,             //      Input (Data, Array, Abs): Instantiates input packet fields based on the above report size, count, logical min/max, and usage.
      0x19, 0x01,             //      Usage Minimum
      0x29, 0x40,             //      Usage Maximum   //64 output usages total (0x01 to 0x40)
      0x91, 0x00,             //      Output (Data, Array, Abs): Instantiates output packet fields.  Uses same report size and count as "Input" fields, since nothing new/different was specified to the parser since the "Input" item.
      0xC0                    // End Collection

因為在家沒有C++,下次再來測試GUI 是否可以正常讀到資料。 接著就可以做自己的「小玩具」了。 ^^"

